What is Copy Document?
Copy Document is a quick way to make a duplicate of a Finalized or Obsolete document in your Work Area.
Who can use Copy Document?
Anyone with rights to Import Documents can use Copy Document.
When is Copy Document Useful?
If you have a copy of an Investigator CV already Finalized in one study and you need to add it to another study, you can use Copy Document to create a copy of the CV in your Work Area. Then, you can index the copy to the other study.
If you have a document that has been indexed incorrectly multiple times, especially one that has been through rework more than once, it can sometimes be helpful to get a fresh start by using Copy Document, then deleting the original document.
Documents that need to be used more than once within a single study should be multi-indexed instead of copied with Copy Document.
How to Copy Document
From the gear menu for a Finalized or Obsolete document on the study item list, select “Copy Document”
From the gear menu on the detail view of a Finalized or Obsolete document, select “Copy Document”
A green success banner will be displayed, letting you know that, “A copy of this document will be in your Work Area”
The status of the new document copy in your Work Area depends on whether it was originally uploaded or authored. If the original document was uploaded, the document in your Work Area will have a status of ‘Uploaded’. If the original document was authored, the document in your Work Area will have a status of ‘Draft’.
Copy Document Notes and Additional Details
The copied document will have the same native file format as the original. If the native file format is configured to be renderable in your eTMF, a new PDF rendition will be created for the copied document.
Copy Document is not available on Program or Enterprise documents.
Copy Document operations are captured in the audit trail as “Document Copied” events.
Documents that need to be used more than once within a single study should be multi-indexed instead of copied with Copy Document.
If a document is Unblinded and you do not have rights to view Unblinded content, you will not be able to make a copy of the document.