Tag Archives: esig

Electronic Signature

When sending a document authored in the eTMF for approval, an eSignature approval workflow is available for selection. In this type of workflow, the approver must enter their eTMF login credentials as formal approval (i.e., the equivalent of a handwritten signature). Once the approval is issued and the document is finalized, a ‘Signature Page’ will be added to the document.

Note: Documents that require eApproval and not eSignature do not generate a Signature Page.

Signature Page

The Signature Page includes information such as the Document Name, Document Object ID, and a signature grid. The signature grid contains the names of users who signed the approval, the meaning of the signature for each user, the date/time of each signature, and a page number.

Modifying the Signature Page (Optional)

Business Administrators can modify the title, disclaimer, and logo present on the Signature Page.

  1. Click More in the application header and select “Administration.”
  2. On the eSignature tab, modify the title, disclaimer, and logo properties as needed.
  3. Click Actions and select “Save” from the menu.