Tag Archives: lock study

Study Archive

Once a study has been locked, it can be archived

To archive a study, navigate to the study’s Study Home Page Action Menu and select the Archive Study option.

This will open the Archive Study window, shown below

Archiving restricts access to the study and adds a named archivist.

Note:  Archived studies can be exported by any user with rights to export the study.

Any user with membership in the TMF Archivist group can be designated as a study archivist.

Archiving a study revokes permission of all contributors, document specialists and readers to access the study.

Study Owners, Business Administrators, and Regulatory Agency users still have access to Archived studies and can view study Metrics and run Reports.

Note: Submit a request to helpdesk@mywingspan.com to begin the process of restoring an archived study to active status.
