Studies that you have recently viewed as Recent and studies that you have marked as Favorites are displayed in the Studies Grid on the bottom half of the User Home Page. A study can be added to this area by selecting the More Studies button below the grid.
Note: starting with TMF 2.4, Study Grid will display My Studies instead of Recent for users with restricted access.
Study Grid Actions
The Study Grid can be maximized by selecting the arrow in the top right corner of the grid. To return the grid to its original size, select the arrow again.
If the user has the appropriate permissions they can Activate a study by selecting the + symbol next to the Studies title in the Study Grid.
A Study in the Study Grid can be Favorited or un-favorited by selecting the Flag this as a favorite star next to that study. When a study is favorited the star is blue.
To see the Study Home Page of a study in the Studies Grid, select the Go to Study Home Page (house) icon next to that study.
To see the Study Items List for a study in the Study Grid, select the study hyperlink under Study.
Study Grid Displays
The number next to the Flag this as a favorite star indicates the number of Announcements for that Study. Users with appropriate permissions can manage study specific announcements from the Study Home Page.
Relevant metrics and other information can be found to the right of a study in the grid.
Notes are private and secure ways to leave messages for yourself.
No other users can ever see your notes. See Announcements to learn about messages that are shared with others.
Notes are helpful as reminders of tasks, contact information or any kind of information that you want to have at your fingertips in the eTMF.
Anyone who uses the eTMF can make notes for themselves.
Notes appear in the following places in the eTMF:
- Top-center of User Home – General Notes
- Top-center of Study Home in a toggle window with Study Announcements – Study Notes
- My Notes tab associated with a document – Document Notes
Types of Notes
General Notes
General Notes are not related to any specific item in the eTMF.
They appear on your user home.
Study Notes
Study Notes are specific to a study. They appear on that study’s home page.
Document Notes
Document Notes are related to a specific document. They appear in the My Notes tab when viewing that document.
After a study has been locked, it can be unlocked. To unlock a study, navigate to the study’s Study Home Page and select the Study Unlock option from the Action Menu.

This will open the Unlock Study window. A reason for unlock must be selected in order for the study to be unlocked.

If you would like to save a Filter you are using for future use, select the Filter Options Menu (gear icon next to Narrow Choices). From the Filter Options Menu, select Save. The newly created Filter will now be accessible at the bottom of the Filter Options Menu under Saved Filters.
Selecting Save As will always prompt you for a new name for your in-use filter, while selecting Save will auto-fill in the Filter Name box with the name of your previous filter (if a previous filter is present).
Removing Saved Filters
To remove Filters from your Saved Filters, select the X next to that Filter while hovering over it in the Saved Filters section of the Filter Options Menu.