Changing Your Notification Settings or Other User Account Information

eTMF users can edit various aspects of their user accounts, including notification settings, address, and phone number(s).

To edit your user account, select  your name in the eTMF header to access a menu of options. Then select View/Edit User Account from the menu. On the User Properties dialog, scroll to the following fields:

  • Notifications Enabled
  • Notify me when a document that I submitted is finalized
  • Notify me when a document that I own is finalized

The first notification setting controls all notifications from the system except those covered by the next two settings, which relate strictly to notifications sent upon finalization of documents you either own or submitted content for. Each notification setting is independent, so you can select to enable or disable any one setting without affecting the others.

If you want to edit your address or phone settings, continue to scroll the dialog. Make the desired changes and select Save.
