You can generate a Reconciliation Report that lists all possible document reconciliations for one or more sites. The report is generated in Excel and can be downloaded from the Downloads page.
To generate a Reconciliation Report, access the study item list. From the list’s Actions menu, select Site Reconciliation Report from the Reports and Dashboards sub-menu.
On the TMF/ISF Reconciliation Report dialog, the Program and Study fields are automatically populated based on the current study. If a country and site were selected in the corresponding breadcrumbs on the study item list, those fields are populated in the dialog as well. You can change the values in these fields as needed, using the fields on the dialog to indicate one or more sites to generate the report for. The only required field is Program.

Use the following guidelines when completing the fields on the dialog:
- If you select only a Program value, the report will be generated for all sites in all studies associated with the selected program.
- If you select only Program and Study values, the report will be generated for all sites in the selected study.
- If you select only Program, Study, and Country values, the report will be generated for all sites in the selected country.
- If you select one or more specific sites in the Site field, the report will be generated for only those sites.
Hint: You select multiple, specific sites across countries if the Program and Study fields are populated but the Country field is left blank.
Once the fields on the dialog are completed, select either Export Report to immediately generate the Excel report and make it available for download from the Downloads page in eTMF or Save Report to save the report criteria.
If you select Export Report, the report is generated in Excel and contains one row for each study item or document that can be or has been reconciled at a site for which the report was generated. These documents include those marked as “Not Applicable” for reconciliation for a site in the report. The documents are sorted based on Reconciled Site, so if the report is generated for multiple sites, you can easily view one site’s documents before moving onto the next.
If the report is generated for multiple sites, each enterprise-level, program-level, study-level, and country-level study item in the report will be listed multiple times—once for each site to which the reconciliation applies. For example, suppose that a study has 2 countries (US and Canada), and each of those countries has two sites (US-1001, US-1002, CD-2001, CD-2002). If the report is generated for all sites in the study, then an enterprise, program, or study level document will have four separate records in the report- one for each site for which the document can be reconciled. A country level document will have two separate records in the report- one for each site in the country.