What Virtual Undelete Does
Virtual Undelete restores a Virtually Deleted study item and associated documents to the eTMF after they have been Virtually Deleted.
The only users who can see Virtually Deleted study items and documents are users in the “TMF Virtual Undelete” group.
Who Can Use Virtual Undelete
Users need to be a member of the “TMF Virtual Undelete” group in order to use Virtual Undelete. To be added to this group, please contact Wingspan Support.
When is Virtual Undelete Available
Virtual Undelete is available on the study item action menu when the study item is Virtually Deleted
How is Virtual Undelete Used
From the study item action menu, select Restore Deleted Study Item and Documents.
Click OK on the confirmation screen that asks, “This operation will restore this study item and finalized document. Continue?”
You will see a green success banner letting you know that the study item has been deleted.
The Study Owner will receive an email notification as a result of the Virtual Undelete action.
Global Study Owners will receive email notification of Virtual Undelete actions on Program and Enterprise Documents.
See Also : Virtual delete