Request a Study Item to be Marked as Fulfilled without Content or Deleted

To create a request for fulfillment or deletion:  

A Contributor can request the study owner to fulfill or delete empty study items. Fulfilling an empty study item records that a study item will not be fulfilled by a document in the eTMF. Deleting removes non-core items completely from the study.   

Before you begin: Ensure your user account has the “TMF Request Fulfill” permission group added. 

  1. In your study item list, go to an unfulfilled study item and select the more actions icon.  
  2. Select Request Mark as Fulfilled or Delete.  
  3. Enter a comment and select Submit Request.  

 A Delete or Mark Study Item as Fulfilled task is assigned to the study owner.  

To complete a request for fulfillment or deletion

  1. In your inbox, select the Delete or Mark Study Item as Fulfilled task. 
  2. View the contributor’s comment and choose one of the following actions
  • Delegate – Enter a study owner in the recipient field and select Delegate.  
  • Mark as Fulfilled – Select the reason from the drop-down list and select Mark as fulfilled.  
  • Delete Study Item – Select a reason from the drop-down list and select Delete.  Note: For more information, see Delete a Study Item.  
  • Reject – Enter a comment and select Action will not be taken