If you are reviewing multiple documents, you can use the Sort feature to display the documents in the selected order. For example, you may want to review all documents with missing metadata first, so that you can complete indexing before submitting. In this situation, you can select “Metadata Status (Incomplete First)” from the sort menu. When sorting by metadata status, the system displays documents in the left panel in categorized lists, instead of in a single list. List categories include Missing Metadata, Metadata Complete, and Errors.

Documents listed under the Metadata Complete category have values in all required fields. Only Outlook .msg files can be listed under this category, as certain values are automatically extracted from the files upon upload (for example, Document Date, Language, etc.).
Note: Document Date and/or Receipt Date values may not be extracted from a .msg file if the file did not originate in Outlook (for example, an email in yahoo was sent to an Outlook account, downloaded from Outlook, and uploaded to eUpload).
Documents listed under the Missing Metadata do not have values in all required fields. You can choose to enter values before submitting. Or, if your environment is configured to allow submission of documents with incomplete metadata, you can submit these documents without having values in all required fields.