Bypass QC for QC Corrections

Document Specialists have the option to correct the metadata of documents in a QC workflow. Selecting the Correct action finalizes the document and bypasses a secondary round of QC.  

Note: This setting is enabled by a System Administrator. To enable this feature, please contact IQVIA.  

For System Administrators: 

  1. From the More Menu in the global header, select Administration.  
  2. Select System Administration from the Administration Menu.  
  3. Select the Workflow Settings tab.  
  4. Select the Bypass Second QC for Correct checkbox.  
  5. In the Actions Menu, select Save.  

To correct a document:  

  1. In your inbox, select the document.  
  2. Makes changes to the document metadata as needed.  
  3. In the Task window, select Correct.  
  4. Select a Reason from the Reason Codes drop down.  
  5. (Optional) Enter a comment.  
  6. When you’re finished, select Finalize.  

The document is now finalized and has bypassed a second round of QC.