Saved Reports

The Saved Reports page lists report criteria you’ve saved for the following types of reports:

  • TMF Coming Due or Past Due Report
  • TMF/ISF Reconciliation Report

The Saved Reports page also lists report criteria that was
shared with you by another user.

To access the Saved Reports page, select Metrics from the eTMF header. Then select Saved Reports from the Metrics & Reports menu.

For each set of saved or shared criteria on the Saved Reports page, the system shows the name of the criteria, the type of report, the criteria description (if any), the userr who saved the criteria, and the date the criteria was saved. To view the criteria, select the name hyperlink or access the Actions menu and select Edit Report. From the dialog that appears, you can do the following:

  • Export the report using the criteria
  • Change the criteria and save to overwrite the previously saved criteria (available only to the user who saved the original criteria)
  • Change the criteria and save a copy

To delete the criteria from the Saved Reports page, select Delete Report from the Actions menu. If the criteria was shared with you, deleting will remove the criteria from only your Saved Reports page. If you are deleting report criteria you saved, then deleting will remove the criteria from your Saved Reports page and from the Saved Reports page of any user with whom the criteria was shared.