Work Area

Your Work Area contains all documents you have uploaded that have not yet been finalized. Your Work Area also contains all expected documents you have created as part of the scanning process. Work Area documents are visible only to you and to other users who have permissions to manage other users’ Work Areas.

You can access your Work Area from your User Home Page or from the primary header. The Work Area displays the following elements:

  1.  Narrow Choices Panel (Left)
  2.  Work Area List Panel (Center)
  3.  Breadcrumb Trail (Top Left)
  4.  Search Work Area Bar (Top Right)
  5. Buttons (next to Search Bar)

Narrow Choices Panel

The Narrow Choices panel is located on the left side of the page. The Narrow Choice panel allows the user to narrow down the documents shown in the study item list. This is done by selecting a filter value in the Narrow Choices panel. Once selected, the list will be updated to include study items that match the specified filter value. If multiple values are selected, the list will be updated to include items that match all specified values. Filters can be cleared or saved by clicking on the cogwheel at the top of the panel.

See Also: How to “Narrow Choices” with Facets

Document List Panel

The Document List panel is located in the center of the page. The Document List panel displays the documents for which you are responsible (i.e., documents you’ve uploaded and expected documents). If you accessed the Work Area from the Work Area tab or by selecting the Documents link count on your User Home page, the Work Area displays your documents across all studies by default. If you accessed the Work Area by selecting the Over 30 Days count on your User Home page, the Work Area is automatically filtered to display only those documents. You can also apply additional filters using the Narrow Choices panel and/or the Studies, Countries, and Sites Breadcrumbs.

For each item, the Document Type ID, Due Date, Level, Milestone, and Document Status will be displayed.

Many actions can be accessed for each item by selecting the associated cogwheel. These actions may include any of the following:

  • Generate Transmittal:  Displayed for an expected document, this option allows you to generate a transmittal page for scanning
  • View Native Content:  Displayed if the original content uploaded is not PDF; allows you to download the original content in its native format
  • View PDF in Acrobat: Displayed if a PDF rendition of the content exists; allows you to download the PDF
  • View PDF in Browser:  Displayed if a PDF rendition of the content exists; allows you to open the PDF in a new browser tab/window
  • View Audit Trail:  Allows you to view the audit trail for the item
  • Delete:  Allows you to remove the document from the TMF

Breadcrumb Trail

The Breadcrumb Trail, located at the top left side of the page, contains a series of breadcrumbs that helps you figure out where you are and which items are displayed (e.g., items for all studies and all countries). You can use the breadcrumbs in the Work Area to update the display of items in your Work Area:

  • By study, by country within a study, and/or by site within a study
  • By study level documents only, across all studies

You can also use a breadcrumb to navigate to other list views easily. 

Quick Search Bar

The Quick Search Bar is located in the top right corner of the page. The Quick Search bar allows you to search for study items using keywords. The keywords work as a filter which can be removed by clicking the X next to the keyword at the top of the Study Item List panel.

When using the Quick Search bar, enter full words, and enclose phrases within quotation marks. You can use the asterisk wildcard character after a letter or number to represent a series of unknown characters. For example, enter Inv* to match to any item containing the letters “Inv” in that order. If the full text indexing feature has been enabled for your environment, you can choose to match your search text against attributes, content, or both.


Buttons adjacent to the Quick Search bar can be used to upload documents: