Report Issue

This feature is available to users added to the group “TMF Report Study List Issues”.  (You may wish to place the group “TMF All Users Except Regulatory” inside of this group).  It allows a user to email another user a message about a document along with a link to the document (and to the task if the user has received a task).  

To report an issue, a user selects a document or Study Item and selects the Report Issue menu item.  

The list of users shown on the screen includes all users associated with the document or Study Item. The user field can be used to select a different user to receive the issue report.

The list of reasons in the Reason dropdown is set in the Reasons for Report Issue dictionary.

To Enable:

  1. Add new values to the Reasons for Report Issue dictionary; disable any out of the box values you do not want
  2. Add any desired users or groups to the TMF Report Study List Issues group.