Request Document from Site and Upload Task

To request a document from a site in SiteZone, the following must be true:

  • The document is of a type that can be generated from the site
  • SiteZone is enabled for that site
  • You must have TMF Request Documents group permissions

The option to request a document from a site will display on the Study Item menu as the “Request Document from Site”.  Using this menu option will generate an upload task requesting the document from that site in SiteZone.

Upload Task

While the document is awaiting upload from the site in SiteZone, the task will be available in the eTMF Inbox as an Upload Task.

Upload Tasks in eTMF can be Deleted (from both eTMF and SiteZone), Delegated to another SiteZone user to upload the document, or Returned to the Group Inbox in eTMF.

Once a document has been uploaded from the site, an Index Task will be available in the eTMF Inbox.