Manage CRAs

SiteZone CRAs can be managed from the Study Home page by clicking on the desired Site in the Metadata Panel, Sites View, accessing the site’s actions menu, and then clicking ‘Manage CRAs’.

Note: You must be in the MANAGE_CRA security group to have the ability to Manage SiteZone CRAs. 

You can add an existing user to the list of CRAs by typing their name into the ‘Choose a user to add as a CRA’ box and clicking ‘Add’.

For users that have been added as a CRA, you can choose if they are a Blinded or Unblinded CRA and whether or not they are Active. If a user is an inactive CRA they will not receive emails from the site, will not be able to access the site in SiteZone, and will not be listed as the CRA for the site in eTMF. Contact information for each of the CRAs is also available.