Site Select

The Select Site screen helps you get to the site you need to work on.

You can use this screen to add sites to your Favorites so they show up on your User Home Page.
The Select Site screen can be reached by clicking the More Sites button at the bottom-left corner of your User Home screen when the Sites Grid is shown.

How to Find a Site on the Select Site Screen

If your list of sites is short, use the scroll-bar on the right edge of the Select Site screen to scroll down to your site.

Use the page numbers and paging arrows at the bottom of the screen to jump to other pages in the list of sites.

If your list of sites is long, use the boxes above the list to filter it down.
Enter your filter criteria into one or more of the boxes, then click Go.

How to Add a Site to your User Home

If you are going to be working with a site often, you can click the star in the second column to mark that site as a Favorite. Once a site is marked as a Favorite it will be displayed in the list of sites on your User Home page for quick navigation. To unfavorite a site, select the star again.

To go to the Study Items List for a Site, select the radio (circle) icon next to a Site on the Site Select Screen and click Apply.