QC Correct

If you would like to Correct (make changes to) the metadata for a document in QC, use the following steps:

  1. Choose the Correct button
  2. Correct metadata and/or Indexing on the Metadata tab
  3. Return to the Task tab and choose one or more reason codes (to select multiple codes hold down the Ctrl key)
  4. Enter comment if desired
  5. Choose the QC button.

The Item will be sent for QC.

Note – You will not be permitted to acquire the QC task because you previously corrected the document.

Based on an environment setting, you may be able to finalize the document after making corrections, instead of sending the document to another round of QC. If this setting is active in your environment, a Finalize button will appear in place of the QC button shown above. If the Finalize button is selected, the metadata changes will be saved, the workflow will be completed, and the document finalized.

Note – Corrections do not count as Rework when calculating quality.