Common QC Task Outcomes

If Then What Happens?
The document is correctly matched and the content and metadata pass all QC checks. Select Finalize. Document becomes final.
Content is correct but index and/or metadata are incorrect and you want to make corrections instead of returning for Rework. Select Correct. Make metadata or indexing corrections.Choose reason(s) for correction and send back to QC.

Note: If your environment is configured to bypass a second round of QC after corrections, you’ll have the option to Finalize instead of the option to send back to QC.

Document re-enters QC Workflow and appears in the group inbox of the Document Specialists.

If the option to Finalize is available and is chosen, document becomes final.

The wrong study item was chosen, or the content or metadata do not pass QC checks. Select Fail to return for rework, ensuring that you choose all of the reasons applicable to problems found with the document and adding any notes needed so the problems can be addressed. Document enters Rework Workflow with task assigned to person you chose.
You determine that you are not the right person to handle the task. If you know the correct person, delegate the task to that person. Document is still attached to QC task, but reassigned to selected user and present in their Personal Inbox.
If you are unsure or multiple people could handle the task, return it to the group inbox. Document still attached to QC task, but returned to the group inbox.